Java Updater
The Java Update is a feature that keeps your computer up-to-date automatically with the latest Java releases, see [1]. Installing the Java Runtime Environment automatically installs the Java Update feature. The Java Update feature connects to java.com at a scheduled time and checks to see if there is an update available.
Known Update Targets
- Java Runtime Environment
Official Ways for Disabling
Oracle provides an official way to disable Java updates for current user, see [1].
Support by Update Freezer
Update Freezer disables/enables Java updates for all users in the system (globally). It modifies two registry values:
- EnableJavaUpdate,
- EnableAutoUpdateCheck,
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy,
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy.
Note: If Java update is disabled globally then Update tab is not available in Java Control Panel.
Drawbacks of Update Freeze
By disabling automated updates you have a risk to stay unprotected from vulnerabilities covered by regular maintenance updates of software.